sábado, marzo 07, 2009

Viñetas sobre la guerra fría

Algunos párrafos que extraigo del conciso y conclusivo Warfare and society in Europe, 1898 to the present, de Michael S. Neiberg, autor aparentemente especializado en la primera guerra mundial.

(Sobre el plan Marshall)
-The closeness between the “cousins” also led Britain to become the largest single beneficiary of one of the Cold War’s first economic policies, the Marshall Plan. Named for General George C. Marshall, the former American Chief of Staff during World War II, the plan dispensed $13.7 billion of aid (approximately $130 billion in today’s dollars) to fifteen western European nations from 1948 to 1952.

(Sobre el intento de extender el plan Marshall al este)
-The United States offered aid to the nations of eastern Europe, but the Soviets heavily pressured them not to accept it. Czechoslovakia’s foreign minister, Jan Masaryk, went to Moscow to try to convince the Russians to allow his nation to accept desperately needed Marshall Plan aid, but soon learned that he could not escape the Russian noose being drawn around eastern Europe. “I went to Moscow [he said in June, 1947] as the foreign minister of an independent, sovereign state; I returned as a Soviet slave.”

(Sobre el puente aéreo)
-By the end of the year, the operation succeeded in flying in 4,500 tons of food and fuel to the beleaguered city every day. On Easter Sunday, 1949, the Allies flew 1,398 flights and brought in a record 13,000 tons of supplies.
The Berlin Airlift demonstrated how much European society had changed in the four years since the end of World War II. The very same American and British pilots and planes that had once dropped bombs on a hostile Germany in order to aid the Soviet war effort were now risking war with the Soviets in order to feed the population of West Berlin. The residents of the city, recently the targets of the Grand Alliance’s military forces, were now depicted in the west as the heroic resisters of the evil Soviet state. The common thread in this ironic situation was the American and British desire to prevent one single European power (first Germany, then the USSR) from dominating the continent. In this way, the Cold War was consistent with British policy dating back at least to the Napoleonic Wars, if not earlier. American participation, however, was novel and fundamentally changed the nature and definition of European security arrangements.

(Sobre la OTAN)
-A popular witticism held that the alliance’s purpose for western Europe was to keep the Americans in, the Germans down, and the Russians out.
During the years of the Korean War (1950–1953) the Americans built up large forces in Europe, adding 285,000 men to American forces on the continent even as they were fighting a war in Asia.

(Sobre como Ronnie se comió sus propias palabras)
Reagan made an historic visit to Moscow in 1988. When asked if he still held to his famous statement that the Soviet Union was an “evil empire,” the old Cold Warrior answered, “No. . . . I was talking about another time and another era.”

3 comentarios:

hugo dijo...

para poner en perspectiva marcos:

si los U$S 130 billones de hoy del plan marshall están expresados en la forma americana serían para nosotros U$S 130.000 millones lo que se gastó en reconstruír europa del desastre de la segunda guerra mundial...

o sea apenas un un poco más de un tercio del primer tramo del paquete inicialmente desembolsado de ayuda a los bancos americanos por u$s 350.000 millones sobre un total de u$s 700.000 millones...

MarcosKtulu dijo...

Marxista-leninista Teniente Nemelas Hugo Perinov, ni toda la plata del mundo parece ser suficiente si no se recupera la confianza en el sistema bancario. A la larga se va a recuperar. Es eso, o volver a la edad de piedra (mas o menos de donde partió europa luego de la ww2).

Marta Salazar dijo...

vi qué?

no se llaman caricaturas?
