On January 24, 1817, San Martín led his men through the pass in the Andes at Gran Cordeillera. The Spanish never expected the Army of the Andes to be able to launch an invasion through an Andean pass in winter, and on February 8, San Martín’s men were regrouping in Chile to face the Spanish, whom they encountered on February 12–13 at the Battle of Chacaburo. The Spanish were not only surprised but also outnumbered, and some 500 of their 2,000 men were killed, and another 600 taken prisoner. They also lost all their artillery to the republicans. By contrast, San Martín lost only 12 dead and 120 wounded.¿Cuál es esa Gran Cordilleira? ¿No advirtió el autor que en hemisferio sur, durante enero es verano? En tercer lugar, ¿Cuál es la batalla de Chacaburo?. No termina ahí la cosa.
San Martín knew that he had to attack Peru, and this strategy was confirmed when Spanish forces there attacked and defeated him at the Battle of Cancha-Rayada on March 16, 1818. This was a major blow to the morale of the republicans, but on April 5, at the Battle of Maipo, the royalists were defeated.Esto ya es más discutible, pero no deja de ser cuestionable la preferencia de llamar por el nombre de republicanos a quienes nosotros conocemos como patriotas, ya fueran argentinos o chilenos. Finalmente la denominación de Maipo no es del todo incorrecta. La batalla ocurrió en el valle del Maipo, surcado por el rio maipo; sucede que, más exactamente, se llevó a cabo cerca de la localidad de Maipú, nombre por el cual pasó a la historia.
Errar es humano. Criticar también.
2 comentarios:
fatal marcos, es el problema de los generalistas, que pretenden saber de todo y escribir de todo...
Eeej. Era verdad eso de "el que mucho abarca poco aprieta" :)
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